The Sunrise Era of Dyestuffs-(Part-III)! Dyes discovered since 1880s.(In chronological order of Dyes discovery).
After Sir William Perkin discovered the 1st Synthetic Dye in the year 1856 Mauvine, led to Domino type discoveries of new dyes one after the another. New dyes were discovered every month somewhere in Britain, Germany, France. The companies were in race to announce their new discoveries of dyes.
In this phase the German takes the lead position as number one. Swiss companies started catching up with their new discoveries.
The dyestuffs discovered between the year 1880-1885 are listed below:
1880 Indian Yellow.
1880 Fast Neutral Violet B.
1881 Violamine R.
1882 Cotton Scarlet 36.
1882 Phloxine T.A.
1882 Quinoline yellow.
1883 Crystal Violet.
1883 Night Blue.
1883 Victoria Blue B .
1883 Victoria Green 3B.
1883 Guinea Green B.
1883 Auramine.
1883 Cochineal Scarlet G.
1883 Sudan I.
1883 Azoeosine.
1883 Congo Violet.
1883 Amethyst Violet.
1885 Naphthol Black B.
1885 Cotton Red 4B.
1885 Muscarine.
For 1860s discovered dyes, see previous page… link: 1860s
For 1870s discovered dyes, see next page… link: 1870s
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