Malachite Green: Density? Bulk Density? or Specific Gravity? : The Dyes Blog!

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What is the right term for Malachite Green? Specific Gravity, density, or bulk density?
Different websites will give different terminology, let us delve into the factors that will lead us to the right answer…

Firstly, Malachite Green Dye is available in 3 forms:
1) Malachite Green Crystals.
2) Malachite Green Powder.
3) Malachite Green Liquid.

Why do you need to know the density?
Mainly for:

1) Determining the Volume that the material will occupy in a shipping container to determine its shipping costs.
2) If a combination or formulation of multiple dyes is to be made.
3) If a dosing system is to be designed.
4) Top determine the packaging size of various SKUs.

Density of Crystals:

malachite green

Malachite Green Crytals as can be seen form the picture above, it has various sized crystals. Therefore the air space trapped in between the crystals is very large. This renders a Bulk density of approx 0.5 kg/Litre. In simple terms a 50 litres container shall be required to pack 25kgs Malachite Green Crsystals.

Density of Powders:
Malachite Green Powder as can be seen form the picture is a uniform sized product of very fine sized powder. Therefore the air space trapped in between the powder particles is very less.
This renders a Bulk density of approx 0.4 kg/Litre. In simple terms a 40 litres container shall be required to pack 25kgs Malachite Green Powder.


Density of Liquids:
Malachite Green Liquid! Here it should be noted that Malachite Green Liquids are available in different dye content percentages from different manfucturers.
Though it will be better to ask the supplier to give the density of the liquid they are sending, we will give a ball-park figure.
The Malachite Green Liquid contains mainly Acetic Acid, Hcl and water. Therefore the density of a 50% dye containing liquid will come to around 1.1 gm/cc.
Therefore the Malachite Green Liquid is available in IBCs or "Totes" of 1000 litres as shown in above picture, which can contain 1000kgs to 1100kgs of Malachite Green Liquid.

Hope this helps.

Malachite Green can be bought from us at:

or mail your enquires

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