dyes blog : The Dyes Blog!

Dedicated to the glorious history of colourful world of dyes and dyestuffs!

The Sunrise Era of Dyestuffs-(Part-I)! Dyes discovered since 1860s.(In chronological order of Dyes discovery).
After Sir William Perkin discovered the 1st Synthetic Dye in the year 1856, led to Domino type discoveries of new dyes one after the another. New dyes were discovered every month somewhere in Britain, Germany, France.
Charles Dickens poetic take on Synthetic Dyes!!!
Purple was in such vogue in the 1860s, thanks to
Why the name Aniline?
Aniline was first synthesised in 1826 by Otto Unverdorben by extracting it from natural indigo plant. This was followed up by Carl Julius Fritzsche in 1840, who treated indigo plant with caustic potash and named it "Aniline", after the indigo plant named "Anil".
The five oldest dyes factories of the world that laid the foundation of the modern synthetic dyes industry:
Number 1: 1857 : Perkin and Sons Dye works. Number 2: 1860 : Holliday Dyes and Chemicals Ltd. began the manufacture of dye Magenta. Number 3: 1863 : The Atlas Works, were the pioneers of synthetic dyes of the Magenta family of dyes. Number 4: 1872 : Irvinebank Dyeworks Limited. Number 5: 1876 : The Clayton Aniline Company Ltd.
Sir William Perkin, is undisputedly the Father of the Modern Synthetic Dyes industry:
Sir William Perkin, is undisputedly the Father of the Modern Synthetic Dyes industry...
The five oldest dyes factories of the world that laid the foundation of the modern synthetic dyes industry:
Number 1: 1857 : Perkin and Sons Dye works. Number 2: 1860 : Holliday Dyes and Chemicals Ltd. began the manufacture of dye Magenta. Number 3: 1863 : The Atlas Works, were the pioneers of synthetic dyes of the Magenta family of dyes. Number 4: 1872 : Irvinebank Dyeworks Limited. Number 5: 1876 : The Clayton Aniline Company Ltd.
Viva Magenta! A dye with a history as magnificent as its name!
"Battle of Magenta" that was fought between crown land of the Austrian Empire, and An Italian nationalists in the 1859 near the town of Magenta, during the 2nd Italian War of Independence.